Sunday 6 November 2016

Arrival in Osaka

Week. It actually is quite a long journey. Flying time was about 12 hours in total with a 3 hour transit brings it to a 15 hour trip.

Flying through the afternoon and night meant getting into Osaka first thing in the morning which had its benefits. Clearing immigration and customs didn't take that long and getting our luggage was a breeze.

Adding in the time to collect my pre ordered pocket wifi and messing about a little at the information stand meant leaving Kansai at 11, just a little under 2 hours after landing.

We were quite fortunate in being able to drop our luggage at our airbnb place early so we spent the day out and about.  It just so happened there was some sort of festival going on for the weekend and we stumbled upon some of the festivities. You could almost at we've got a large chunk of our immersion into Japanese culture all sorted on day 1!

Back at the apartment now to rest before heading out to dinner. Also a chance to see if I can pull the photos from my camera for sharing. Not traveling with a laptop this time so everything is going to be done "mobile".

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