Thursday 27 October 2016

Health check!

Right, so got my blood test results back last night.

Good news is, cholesterol is good, down again to 4.6
Blood sugar, still at 6.0 so still have work to do on it.

Interesting fact, don't do a hard workout, or any workout really, before getting your blood taken for a test. Apparently it can affect your test results! And definitely no protein shakes for a week before.

Doctor reckons it has affected my protein in urine count, and several other counts as well. So it's back again in 6 weeks for a re-test. Apparently, a "fasting" blood test includes no strenuous workouts before either, not that that is ever mentioned in the pre-test warnings. Doc reckons it never really comes up but is worth mentioning to junior doctors who may not have experienced it before. Notch one up for being a medical test case :-)

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